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Writer's picturedahlia bendavid

2022- A New Year

A New Year. A time for resolutions, new beginnings, fresh starts, hitting reset.

Did you know that New Years is just one landmark date that many people decide to start something new, change a behavior, start a new habit, or set a goal?

Birthdays, Mondays, or first days of the month are other dates where one may decide to start a new workout routine, change an eating plan, start saving money for retirement, train for a marathon, or embark on a new career. This is called the Fresh Start Effect (term coined by Katy Milkman, Behavioral Scientist at UPenn, and her colleagues). It can actually be helpful if you want to achieve a goal.

How can you be successful with your fresh start this New Year?

  • Choose a concrete and specific goal

  • Share your goal with a friend or a few - putting it out there will help you have social support and help you hold yourself accountable

  • Make it fun. If it is something you enjoy, you are more likely to stick with it

  • Find like-minded people - if you want to train to run a marathon, find other runners who you can learn from or have shared goals

  • Be flexible. While having a routine is helpful, you may not be able to run every morning at 7:00am. Allow for that day when you may have to change it up and run in the evening.

Don't worry, if the New Year isn't your time to start a new habit or choose a new goal, maybe your birthday, the first day of Spring, or the start of baseball season would work better.

If you would like some help in achieving your goals, contact me for a 30-minute complimentary clarity call.

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